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CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice

There are a total of seven (7) workshops delivered online and/or face to face. Attendance is required at all workshops and involves participation in discussion, groupwork, and learning activities. A Commencement Activity is completed for every unit and must be submitted by students to validate their workshop participation. Case studies and scenarios are also used to support students with practical, applied learning to develop their skills and knowledge. Part of the assessment for this course includes a reflective piece, encouraging students to critically evaluate their experiences and growth throughout the program. A Delivery Schedule with all workshop dates is provided for each intake.

  1. Legal and Ethical Practice - 1 day

This workshop begins with an induction to CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice. An overview of the course, attendance and assessment requirements, and timelines are provided. We then explore the legal and ethical framework that informs the work of career development practitioners and services, including the CICA professional standards. The implications of legal and/or ethical breaches are studied within a career service delivery context.

  1. Career Theory, Labour Market, and Education & Training - 1 day

Workshop 2 introduces students to the career development theories used to understand how people choose, develop, and transition in their careers. Theories consider factors that influence career choice, stages of life development, and self-efficacy. We also look at labour market data and trends and the different education and training pathways in an Australian context, and how this knowledge is used to guide client career exploration and decision-making.

  1. Career Services Delivery Part 1 - 1 day

Part 1 examines the role of a career development practitioner and the diverse individuals and target client groups we serve. This includes an understanding of the case management process as it pertains to career development, and the application of research, information management and use of information technology in career development practice. This workshop also involves evaluation and continuous improvement strategies and processes.

  1. Career Services Delivery Part 2 - 1 day

Part 2 explores international best practice in career development standards, products, and service delivery. Global trends in terms of policy, professional networks, and lifelong guidance models are considered for their relevance to an Australian context. This workshop also considers how to introduce or improve career development interventions to a target group, in consultation with clients and stakeholders.

5 & 6.      Career Development and Counselling - 2 days

This 2-day face-to-face onsite workshop addresses all aspects of providing career development interventions in a group context and counselling with individual clients. We explore how thoughts, feelings, and behaviours influence career development and the stages of a career counselling interview. This 2-day workshop examines how micro skills and specialised techniques are used in communication with clients, and how different learning styles and trauma/stress are managed in counselling.  

  1. Professional Practice - 1 day

The final workshop looks at self-care for sustaining professional effectiveness. We explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they relate to decent work, gender equality, and workforce sustainability. The implications of practice issues, such as conflict of interest or values, are explored within a career service delivery context. This workshop lays the stage for lifelong learning as a registered professional career practitioner with the creation of a personal development plan.